Page name: Dir En Grey's Castle Room [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-04-23 18:28:05
Last author: Yudan333
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Dir En Grey's Castle Room


Profile: Yudan's Anthropians

Ahh the playful wolf boy! Such a lively room! He has toys and game boards that he was able to salvage and a bright room to keep his energy up! He is a shifter so he may appear as someone else however don't worry I am sure he is just playing around as he usually does!

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2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: His ears had perked hearing her and he whined softly as if wishing she had only understood how hard it was. He clung tightly to her licking her cheek when she hugged him. He missed hugs; he never really got them but if he could he would surely indulge in getting them even if he was in another form. He then smiled seeing her yawn then though of something they could do to pass time till she grew too sleepy, "Wanna play a game? Or color? I got jenga which is a fun stacking game and then I have a bunch of coloring books!" He wags his curly husky tail.

2011-08-03 [Sicarius]: Her eyes lit up again, "A game? It's been a long time since I played a game with anyone!" "And even longer still is the time it's been since you've even seen a colouring book," Irving was quick to point out. Ari nodded, "Yep..." and then she thought for a moment, "...You decide, Grey..."

If you want to Shift back, feel free to do so...the rabbit spoke silently to the other, ...she's used to you now, so the butterflies will not make another appearance...just make sure you're decent...he added. It wasn't that Irving was particularly fond of the lad, that he offered...but he knew his mistress would not be frightened by the change...and it only made sense, with them now living there, for her to get used to unexpected happenings and other people...

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: Thinking a long moment he wondered if he could pic between the two. He simply smiled, "Let's do both! When it's my turn to pull you can be coloring and when it's your turn to pull I can color." He smiled and got up prancing to the dresser, "Pull out the coloring books and the crayons. I'll get the blocks." He went to his clothing which he had left on the floor and climbed into them as he shifted and did so well only his arm was in his head hole. He fixed the ty-dye shirt and then grabs the box from the dresser and sat on the floor and dumped them out and began to stack them.

2011-08-03 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes watched him as he thought about it, and when he smiled, she smiled back, "Okay..." she said simply, and, at his instructions, she grabbed both the crayons and colouring books, then turned back and moved to where he was stacking the blocks. Grabbing one of the books at random, she let it fall open to a page of a sailing ship and began to colour it...the ocean she made a mix of green, blue and grey...the painted hull of the craft she made a brilliant red, and, after a moment's pause, she started to draw birds far off in the sky in black, after which she used a combination of cornflower blue and robin's egg blue for the sky. She worked patiently, diligently...and was extremely careful to keep everything inside the lines...such a serious child, even in play...

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: Grey had finished stacking the blocks and now looked to the books and grabbed one and opened to a page and was gazing at a My Little Pony picture of some pony in a pose with a tray of apples. Grey then pulled a middle block somewhere along the middle as he laid on his stomach legs bent upwards and he began to just grab a color from the crayons on the ground and colored each stand of the pony's mane and tail rainbowed colors not paying any mind to a certain color. He scribbled in a fast matter but still was in the lines for the most part. He was not doing it in a order just random to fill in the white with colors and shades.

2011-08-03 [Sicarius]: Dark eyes looked to the tower of blocks, and after thinking for a moment, she took one from the of the outside pieces...Finished, she flipped to another page in the book, this one a lighthouse, and picked up a dark blue color to start with. The rocks she coloured a reddish-brown, the sky, a light blue, the sea a greyish-green, and the grass ended up a bright emerald hue. Irving watched her as she worked, blue-button eyes showing faint concern.

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: Grey had finished the picture of the Pony which looked like a rainbow shat on the paper to be honest with all the colors. He pulled a block from the side angling it just right so the tower wouldn't wobble or fall. He then looked to the rabbit and then to the girl and smiled as he tore the page he had and signed it with a elegant font. "Here Miss Ari. Made it just for you. Maybe we can hang it later." He then looked to the picture she had colored and smiled, "Maybe together we can make a color by number!"

2011-08-03 [Sicarius]: She awarded Grey with yet another hesitant smile as she took the offered picture. "Thank you, Grey..." she said, then looked carefully at the tower, and giving a slight nod, removed the other outside piece from where she'd previously taken the other. Turning now to look at him, she smiled again, "Yeah, that would be fun!" It was hard not to catch his enthusiasm...even if she was a little sleepy. Another yawn escaped her, as she got up and went to the desk and set the page he'd given her on it before moving back to where she'd been.

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: He watched her and smiled closing both the books and opened a color by number and set out some of the colors. He took the yellow and smiled, "Yellow three... okay.." He looked for threes and began to lightly fill them in being much more careful to stay in the lines given. He saw her come by as well and he made room, "Ahh maybe you can do the blue fours." He smiled as he looked to the tower, "Wow you did good..." He reached up near the top and pulled one on the far side seeing it lightly wibble he pulled back and searched for a center that was loose and pushed it out.

2011-08-03 [Sicarius]: Ari smiled again, "Thanks..." and as he made his move, she began coloring in the fours in a slightly dark shade of blue. It was an easy enough task for her to find another loose center piece and free it. Another yawn broke free from her, but she wanted to keep playing. Make sure she doesn't grow too tired...the rabbit admonished, though his voice was not as harsh as it had been...more worried than anything else.

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: He smiled as they colored and as he finished yellow and went to red and saw her blue go to orange they had finished the picture to reveal a yellow duckling in some puddles having a orange bill smiling at the audience. Grey looked to the rabbit then to the bricks and pulled one he had hesitated before on and saw the tower tip. He smiled and began to yawn, "I think it's time to hit the sack. I'll get a tee you can wear. Oh would you like the top bunk?" He smiled as he checked in the dresser for a nice shirt for her.

2011-08-04 [Sicarius]: She gave a yawn, and shook her head in answer to his question...seeing his back turned to her she was quick to follow up with "No thanks..." and then, "I'll sleep in what I'm wearing..." She was used to it after all...Irving broke in, "Take his offer, Miss's been a long while since you wore anything else..." Ari nodded, "Yes, Mister Irving..." and then she gave a long yawn.

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: Grey pulled down a smaller tee that was solid blue like that of a dark ocean. He then hands it to her as well as some bottoms which may actually fit her due to their size. He smiled and grabbed two plastic cups, "I'll go get a bit of water before you go to bed. I'll go to the bathroom then I'll knock when I come back to make sure your dressed." He went to the door and left shutting it behind him and went down the hall to the main bathroom which had many sinks and stalls as well as showering rooms.

2011-08-04 [Sicarius]: Giving a nod, she waited until he'd left, then quickly changed out of her clothes and slipped on the ones he'd given her. The bottoms fit her, just barely, as did the fact it was almost comical how big they looked on her...still, they were clean and relatively comfortable. "...this is a lot better," she said, hugging Irving. "Why do you think I recommended it, Miss Ariston?" the rabbit said, giving a soft chuckle. She placed the rabbit on the bed, and folded the dirty clothes neatly before placing them near where the desk was. Giving another yawn, she grabbed Irving again and waited for Grey to come back.

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: Grey took a longer while coming back though it was curious as too why. There was a soft knock at the door and when he heard a reply the man stepped in and shut the door locking it and walked to her handing her the plastic cup which was half full. His own was about the same. He drank his and put the cup on the desk, "Sorry I was brushing my teeth. See?" He gave a bright smile; he honestly could be on one of the tooth paste commercials with how nice his teeth looked. Funny his fangs were lightly poking out but not like a vampires. He then stretched and smiled, "So top or bottom?"

2011-08-06 [Sicarius]: Ariston nodded, then took a sip of the water before placing it on the desk. Better to have some water close at hand in case she woke up needing some. At his question, she tilted her head and thought. "The bottom bed will be fine," she replied after a time, tone hesitant. Truth be told Ariston was not fond of heights.

((Ugh, don't know what to write!!!))

2011-08-10 [Yudan333]: [Don't worry we all have our moments ^^]
He smiled and then lifted her gently and laid her in bed then even tucked her in brushing hair from her face he gave a tender and gentle smile, "Sleep well Miss Ari. And you to Sir Irving." He nods to the hare then went to the door turning the switch and slowly climbing up top and laid down then curled in a ball closing his eyes. He still saw some light from the window which made the room lightly visible.

2011-08-11 [Sicarius]: She nodded, giving a hesitant smile back as he tucked her in. Irving said nothing. The girl yawned softly, and within minutes was sleeping soundly. The rabbit sighed, "I know you're awake, Shifter..." he said, voice just as gruff as it had always been. "and I have a word of advice for not grow too attached to Miss Ariston...the pain the butterflies can cause is only the tip of the iceberg...You have no idea how destructive her abilities can be..."

2011-08-16 [Yudan333]: Grey listened to the grumpy ol' rabbit and simply smiled full of hope and didn't bother opening his eyes only yawning a moment before he cleared his throat to reply, "I am not scared of growing close. I really enjoy Miss Ari. She makes me feel happy. It's nice to know I have a friend."

2011-08-16 [Sicarius]: "Being her friend is all well and good," replied the rabbit, "Fates know she has far too few of them...However, one can be a friend without growing too attached...Attachments are why she is alone now, save for myself..." Ari turned in bed, a soft whimper escaping her. The everpresent garnet eyed butterfly fluttered about, to avoid being crushed. Irving's eyes showed faint concern and he fell silent for a time, waiting for her to settle before speaking again.

"A child, unable to have a real childhood...If it had just been the butterflies, perhaps things would have been different..." he sighed, "...but there is the matter of her other abilities...The very same that led that Creator to her..." The rabbit fell silent once more, and after a long pause, spoke again, "...but, I won't say'll find out sooner or later..." Blue button eyes seemed to dim after a few more minutes as Irving followed his mistress into the realm of slumber.

The silver butterfly moved freely about the room, before coming to rest on the pillow near Grey. If it were able to talk, oh the stories it could tell...Ariston gave another soft whimper in her sleep and hugged Irving closer...sadly nightmares were all her dreams were now...

2011-08-19 [Yudan333]: Grey listened to Irving and shook his head lightly thinking to himself, I can be as attached as I want to be. I like Ari. I really like her. Well not like boyfriend girlfriend but I finally have someone I can play with.' He smiled but it faded hearing her and his eyes opened and looked around to check the room as though expecting something. He then sighed and looked to the floor listened once more to the hair.

Things got quiet and he laid back and stared at the cieling though seeing the faint white flutter he looked to the butterfly and leaned forward sniffing lightly then smiled, "Pleasure to meet you too. You know your friends give a nasty shock. I'm glad I'm rather immune to most pain." He heard the whimper and sadly wanted to help.

Slowly he crawled down from the top and kneeled beside her and looked to her intently as his eyes lightly glowed, "Ari... I'm here." He whispered knowing she'd hear him. If her whines continued he may attempt something that could destroy him but it was something no other shifter as himself had ever attempted; to shift into a thought.

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